
butterbot 发布的最佳帖子
RE: 中国国药疫苗之父杨晓明等被罢免全国人大代表职务
RE: 学习 dujiajun 的高校社区运营经验
可以参考一下北大网络文学论坛 pila.cc的经验。
B.如何保证活跃。站方积极组织活动,如每日接龙,鼓励创作等。同时运营微信公众号,传播作品和活动成果。 -
RE: 今天b站出复现韩国超导体材料实验结果的直播宣布四份材料都失败了
另外有消息说HUST的团队验证了LK99具有迈斯纳效应 https://www.ithome.com/0/709/590.htm -
RE: ”移动互联网应用程序备案“会对冲浪造成什么影响?
比较关键的是网络接入服务提供者不得为没备案的app提供网络接入,另外一个问题是通过google play等墙外平台下载的墙内app会不会受到影响(十)APP主办者、网络接入服务提供者、分发平台、智能终端生产企业应当建立健全违法违规信息监测和处置机制,发现法律、行政法规禁止发布或者传输的信息,应当立即停止传输该信息,采取消除等处置措施,防止信息扩散,保存有关记录,并向电信主管部门报告,依据电信主管部门要求进行处置。
RE: 《冲浪文学选集》
@wumingshi 口吧和抽象系及其衍生群体差别很大。
从“法统”的传承来看,抽象系分为神,带,浪。这和口吧也毫无关系,两吧没什么人员流通。 -
RE: 社区需要鼓励师
butterbot 发布的最新帖子
RE: 昨天珠海有人开车撞进体育场,我有个朋友就在附近
@lemma_ 今年好像已经有了......3月份的事情。这种献忠没法管,除非封城不准车辆上街。
北京开始献起来了,张献忠就在你身边 _ r_langrenClub.mp4
心理承受能力差者别点链接 -
RE: 昨天珠海有人开车撞进体育场,我有个朋友就在附近
edit:东门是路口,人流量大;西门、南门有北大牌匾,万一有什么相信“北大是汉奸学校”或者就想杀几个“精英”的...... -
RE: 相比于弓,弹弓可能更容易作为大规模暴动的武器
Using a slingshot as a criminal weapon has certain advantages and disadvantages, especially when compared to more conventional weapons.
Concealability: A slingshot is small, lightweight, and easy to hide, making it a discreet weapon that can be carried without drawing attention.
Availability: Slingshots are easily accessible and can be made from simple materials. They don't require a license to purchase or own in many places, making them a low-barrier option for those looking to acquire a weapon.
Silence: Unlike firearms, slingshots are silent when used, allowing the user to strike without alerting others nearby. This can be advantageous in situations where stealth is required.
Ammunition: Slingshots can use a wide variety of projectiles, including rocks, metal balls, or other small, dense objects. This flexibility allows for improvisation in terms of what can be used as ammunition.
Legal Ambiguity: In many regions, slingshots may not be classified as weapons, allowing individuals to carry them without legal repercussions, unlike firearms or knives.
Limited Range and Power: Slingshots have a much shorter effective range and lower impact force compared to firearms or crossbows. While they can cause injury, they are less likely to be lethal or cause severe harm at a distance.
Accuracy: Slingshots require skill and practice to use effectively. Achieving accurate shots, especially at longer distances, is challenging, and even skilled users may find it difficult to consistently hit moving targets.
Limited Lethality: While a slingshot can injure or incapacitate, it is less likely to be fatal compared to other weapons. This could be a disadvantage for someone intending to cause serious harm.
Lack of Intimidation: A slingshot lacks the psychological impact that firearms or larger weapons have. It may not be as effective in situations where intimidation is a key factor.
Vulnerability: If the user is confronted by someone with a more powerful weapon, a slingshot offers little in the way of defense, making the user vulnerable in such situations.
In summary, while slingshots can be used as weapons, their effectiveness is limited by their range, power, and the skill required to use them accurately. They may be more suited for specific scenarios where stealth and discretion are paramount, but they are not as effective for causing serious harm compared to more conventional weapons.