这种论坛还是适合用家里闲置主机,建在tor/i2p网络 -
Risks of cloud-hosting
Amazon and other US-based cloud providers are obliged to hand over your data to law enforcement, without having to notify you (even if the cloud server is not physically in the USA) under the provisions of the CLOUD Act. This act also enables foreign governments to obtain data on their citizens stored by US cloud providers which makes it especially dangerous for activists living under totalitarian regimes.State-sponsored attacks against cloud providers can compromise your data.
你这样搞,阿里云国际版 轻量服务器,服务器记得dd掉,然后卸载qemu-guest之类的,然后关闭到针对串口的tty(dd的默认应该不带),如果怕被动态内存交换到内存的话,可以rmmod掉ballon驱动,可以绑定u卡,然后usdt支付,也可以justhost,或者vmiss选 香港,一大堆支持虚拟币支付的怎么没有,namesilo可以用btc买域名,记得用比特派,那玩意支持bc1地址
我之前pve的时候开虚拟机的时候,有幸从内存抓过关键字,但是重复的关键字有很多,比较难找,这也变相说明,对方kvm的时候 通过一些程序扫描内存,找出来下面几百台虚拟机中,有违规关键字内存的虚拟机 是有一定可行性的 只是分析麻烦点