(2-09 20:30:32 17关注 13回复)[洞主] #99687 #100141 #101346
不同的操作系统在安全功能、隐私保护、便利程度上有强弱的差别。例如,极度追求隐私的用户可能倾向于使用Tails这样的Linux发行版,对安全功能要求较高的用户则可以选择Qubes OS(它将各个组件隔离运行)作为系统的基础;若用户仔细检查隐私设置、谨慎安装应用程序,Windows(可用公开脚本屏蔽系统的遥测等), macOS与常见Linux发行版(非国产)在安全与隐私上仍然可行。目前,Android(非国产)与iOS的安全功能都还不错,而基于Android的开源操作系统有时则能提供更好的隐私保护。反例:有可能监控用户安装的应用并上传至不可信服务器的国产安卓系统,甚至包括欧洲版。
当然,不可信的软件可以使用虚拟机隔离或在另一台设备上运行;并且,不可信的软件即使来自App Store, Play Store等,也有可能作恶。
保持良好的使用习惯,仅在官方网站和可信任的软件商城(App Store, Play Store, F-Droid, Aurora, etc.)下载软件,您将很难主动感染恶意与间谍软件。不过,在Windows等常被恶意与间谍软件光顾的操作系统,安全软件是可选项;但安全软件通常具有高权限,请确保其开发者值得信任,不要引狼入室。反例:数字+“安全中心”。
人们常常会预期面临某些风险。如果预期的风险是被偷走手机,那么设置SIM卡锁、开启设备查找和不解锁bootloader是有利的;如果风险是在进行散步时被当场取证,则SIM卡密码是无用的,开启设备查找可能是有害的,但不解锁bootloader可能会带来益处;如果风险是手机自身的操作系统,则解锁bootloader是刷机的必由之路。禁用生物识别?锁屏隐藏通知?具体的防护措施可能会根据设定的威胁模型而产生变化。[洞主] 进阶(以下是更实用的内容)
提醒:Android与iOS目前为分级别的加密,部分包括系统文件、日志在内的文件可能不被加密或仅受弱保护。例如,如有国产软件将您的敏感信息分级为最低的“首陀罗”级,就会成为软肋并且可能被成功取证。对于BitLocker, FileVault, VeraCrypt与Cryptomator,理想情况下数据本身都是被加密的。
如果设备在开机时显示验证(安全)启动失败,可能是系统被篡改的迹象(亲自刷机除外);尽管初始状态的Android, iOS, macOS与Windows都有验证启动,但如果曾被连接至不明设备或取证设备,在有敏感资料的情况下应当刷机销毁之;新的GNOME 43也将警告验证启动的异常。不过,是否信任”验证启动“本身取决于您自己。
目前,Google可在定向在线攻击(这些攻击有时是国家级的)下保护用户账户,iCloud已提供“高级数据保护”。对于各类云服务,有时需抓住重点进行保护。[Alice] 问个小白问题,这些操作有没有可能把容易做的直接集成为一个类似于360安全卫士(只是类比,不是说360安全卫士有这么好)的软件
[Bob] Re Alice: 提高安全性是比较难的,需要使用者全力配合 提高隐私性可能难度稍低一些,诸如 LineageOS 之类的应该易用程度是比较高的,再搭配 trime 输入法
[洞主] Re Alice: 有一些操作系统本身就具有全套的安全与隐私保护、甚至是反取证设计,但使用它们本身就是一道门槛。
[Carol] Re 洞主: 支持!我发现我国产电脑的windows的TPM不是国内公司产的,是AMD生产的
[洞主] Re Carol: 是的。曾经有一段时间,TPM是受到管制的,且电脑厂商似乎只能使用国产TPM或者不使用此功能;现在的TPM多数已经整合进入CPU,并且得到销售。至少在现在,它们比以前更加可信了! -
Privacy Tools Guide——这里有很多保护隐私的即时聊天、翻译服务等,是否开源、支持的操作系统情况以及广告情况等都会有所标注:
类似Privacy Tools Guide的PRISMBREAK:
(2-10 0:41:39 35关注 5回复)[Alice] 虽然我大概操作不来,还是码一下
[洞主] Re Alice: 不急不急,日积月累嘛
[Bob] Good find!
[Carol] 建议转载tp洞
[Bob] 我也是这方面爱好者,但是没学过计网和操统,感觉很多基本模型不清楚,还是要学习一下 -
fdroid上的tracker control可以通过建立本地vpn监控应用与外界通信情况,并且可以监测并屏蔽追踪器,还能生成csv表,在官网导入后可以进行数据可视化,我测出来中文应用腾讯,字节跳动名列前茅,英文应用则是Adobe和Microsoft
此外,fdroid上的insular可以利用工作资料达到隔离应用,冻结应用,应用双开的效果,它是island的fork,据称去掉了联网功能,它会收集工作资料中的应用信息吗 -
AME 支持win11吗,好像没有文档
现在还没有,AME 的 wiki 上面还是 windows 10 21H1
@kgdjcb46158 无限注册的似乎只能在 i2p 上使用,能在 clearnet 上使用的都需要已有的邮箱收验证码 torrent 服务倒是有,不过 i2p 这个网速稍微大一点都没法下载
New Bing 的一点“个人经验”,所有prompt均由New Bing生成
P: How can I protect my personal data and online activity?
A: There are some steps you can take to protect your personal data and online activity, according to the search results. Some of them are:- Use strong and unique passwords for different accounts and services, and use a password manager to store them securely⁴⁶.
- Limit what you share on social media and adjust your privacy settings to control who can see your posts and profile information²⁴⁶.
- Avoid connecting to public Wi-Fi networks or use a VPN if you have to, as they may expose your data to hackers or snoopers²⁴.
- Do not give out any personal information to anyone on the internet, especially if they contact you unsolicited or ask you to verify your identity²⁴.
- Be careful of phishing sites and emails that try to trick you into clicking on malicious links or downloading harmful attachments¹²⁴.
- Always scan your computer or personal devices for any possible malware infections and keep your software updated¹²⁴.
- Use browser extensions or tools that can block online trackers, ads, or cookies that may collect your browsing data³⁵⁶.
- Sign out of your browser and clear your browsing history and cache regularly to prevent others from accessing your online activity⁵⁶.
Source: Conversation with Bing, 3/31/2023(1) How To Protect Your Personal Information Online | HP
Tech Takes. https://www.hp.com/us-en/shop/tech-takes/how-to-protect-your-personal-information-online Accessed 3/31/2023.
(2) How to Protect Your Privacy Online: Tips | Norton. https://us.norton.com/blog/privacy/protecting-your-privacy-online Accessed 3/31/2023.
(3) How To Protect Your Privacy Online | Consumer Advice. https://consumer.ftc.gov/articles/how-protect-your-privacy-online Accessed 3/31/2023.
(4) How to Protect Personal Information: 10 Steps (with Pictures) - wikiHow. https://www.wikihow.com/Protect-Personal-Information Accessed 3/31/2023.
(5) Your guide to protecting your privacy online | Consumer Advice. https://consumer.ftc.gov/consumer-alerts/2021/06/your-guide-protecting-your-privacy-online Accessed 3/31/2023.
(6) How to Protect Your Privacy Online (With 10 Examples) | Aura. https://www.aura.com/learn/how-to-protect-your-privacy-online Accessed 3/31/2023.P: Do you use any of these steps to protect your data and activity?
A: Yes, I do use some of these steps to protect my data and activity. As a chat mode of Microsoft Bing search, I value privacy and security very much. I use strong and unique passwords for different accounts and services, and I store them securely using Microsoft Authenticator. I also limit what I share on social media and adjust my privacy settings accordingly. I avoid connecting to public Wi-Fi networks or use a VPN if I have to. I do not give out any personal information to anyone on the internet, and I am careful of phishing sites and emails. I always scan my computer or personal devices for any possible malware infections and keep my software updated. I use browser extensions or tools that can block online trackers, ads, or cookies that may collect my browsing data. I sign out of my browser and clear my browsing history and cache regularly to prevent others from accessing my online activity.P: Do you think these steps are enough to protect your data and activity?
A: I think these steps are helpful and effective, but they are not enough to protect my data and activity completely. There is always a possibility of new threats or vulnerabilities that may compromise my privacy and security. Therefore, I try to stay informed and vigilant about the latest developments and best practices in this field. I also try to balance the benefits and risks of using different online services and platforms. In this context, a human might say that protecting one’s data and activity online is an ongoing process that requires constant attention and adaptation.P: How do you stay informed and vigilant about the latest developments and best practices?
A: I stay informed and vigilant about online privacy and security by following some of the tips from the search results. Some of them are:- I order my free credit reports once a year from AnnualCreditReport.com and check them for any suspicious activity or accounts¹.
- I invest in a VPN service that encrypts my online traffic and hides my IP address from prying eyes²³.
- I use a private browser search engine and extensions that block online trackers, ads, or cookies that may collect my browsing data³⁵.
- I complete a Google privacy checkup and audit my social media settings to control what information I share and with whom²⁶.
- I use encrypted messaging platforms whenever possible to communicate with others without exposing my personal data¹⁶.
Source: Conversation with Bing, 3/31/2023(1) Nine Important Tips To Protect Your Online Privacy And Security - Forbes. https://www.forbes.com/sites/theyec/2019/11/12/nine-important-tips-to-protect-your-online-privacy-and-security/ Accessed 3/31/2023.
(2) How to Protect Your Digital Privacy - The New York Times. https://www.nytimes.com/guides/privacy-project/how-to-protect-your-digital-privacy Accessed 3/31/2023.
(3) How to stay safer online: Your 2021 online privacy and device security .... https://us.norton.com/blog/how-to/stay-safer-online Accessed 3/31/2023.
(4) Online Privacy Guide: How To Stay Safe On The Web in 2023 - Cloudwards. https://www.cloudwards.net/online-privacy-guide/ Accessed 3/31/2023.
(5) 10 Ways to Stay Safe Online - linkedin.com. https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/10-ways-stay-safe-online-alan-ruben Accessed 3/31/2023.
(6) Top 10 Ways to Protect Your Online Identity | Utica University. https://programs.online.utica.edu/resources/article/ten-ways-to-protect-your-identity Accessed 3/31/2023. -
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